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  • How Famous Is Haruki Murakami?

    Image of Haruki Murakami
    According to our voters, Haruki Murakami is the...

    2335th most famous person in the world!

    Haruki Murakami is a renowned Japanese writer known for his best-selling novels, short stories, and essays. His works often blend elements of surrealism, magical realism, and postmodernism, earning him international acclaim and numerous literary awards.

    This is based on winning 1 head-to-head matchups with other famous people, but also losing 18 head-to-head matchups.

    Most recently Haruki Murakami lost a matchup to Alec Baldwin (#427) voted by someone from Canada.

    If you are trying to get in contact with Haruki Murakami, go here!
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