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  • How Famous Is Pope John Paul II?

    Image of Pope John Paul II
    Political Leader
    Religious Figure
    According to our voters, Pope John Paul II is the...

    381th most famous person in the world!

    Pope John Paul II, born Karol Wojtyła, was the head of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005. Known for his efforts to improve interfaith relations and for his extensive travels, he beatified and canonized more people than any previous pope.

    This is based on winning 56 head-to-head matchups with other famous people, but also losing 67 head-to-head matchups.

    Most recently Pope John Paul II lost a matchup to Elton John (#146) voted by someone from United States.

    If you are trying to get in contact with Pope John Paul II, go here!
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    Pope John Paul II is more famous than...

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